Stainless Steel Fabrication Jobs

There is a special type of steel that is widely renowned for its versatility and resiliency: stainless steel. Because it is popular to use in projects across a multitude of sectors, there is a lot of stainless steel fabrication jobs in the United States and around the world. Stainless steel is simply an alloy that consists of chromium and iron. Approximately 10 percent of a stainless steel is made of chromium; this low-carbon steel is very resilient to corrosion, heat and hard impacts, which is why it is usually chosen over carbon steel. When carbon steel is continuously exposed to moisture in the air, it will eventually begin to rust.

The Strong Future of Stainless Steel Fabrication Jobs

The main reasons why this metal is preferred for stainless steel fabrication jobs is that it will not rust or become damaged when strongly impacted. These positive qualities are thanks to its chromium makeup. The oxidized film created by the chromium in stainless steel contributes to its corrosion-resistant, rough and invisible exterior. In the event that a stainless steel structure becomes susceptible to damage, it can "self-heal" as long as it is exposed to a miniscule amount of oxygen. In order to enhance the strength and other beneficial characteristics of stainless steel, manufacturers sometimes include elements like nitrogen, nickel and molybdenum.

Fabricating Stainless Steel

There are a lot of processes that go into stainless steel fabrication jobs. This special steel has certain properties that make it ideal for fabrication. First, the fabricator will calculate the formation speed for the raw material. Most fabricators opt for slower speeds than what is typically used for carbon steel fabrication jobs as slower speeds produce stronger, sturdier products. After the stainless steel is formed, the fabricator will cut the metal according to the client's specifications. Water jets, lasers and other CNC machinery is used to cut the metal. Once cut to shape and size, the fabricator will give the piece a high-gloss polish.

The Benefits of Stainless Steel

There are many benefits of stainless steel. Some of these benefits include resistance to fire, heat and corrosion. A lot of stainless steel fabrication jobs call for this parimutuel metal because it is easy to clean and very hygienic. The lustrous, shiny appearance of stainless steel gives it a modern, attractive appearance, which is why it is favored in commercial kitchens. Because stainless steel requires little maintenance, it has a long shelf life. Stainless steel can also be fabricated, reshaped, welded, melded and cut a lot easier than carbon steel.

Applications for Stainless Steel Fabrication Jobs

There are many stainless steel fabrication jobs that call for the use of this strong metal material. Stainless steel is utilized in tools, appliances, large architectural projects, hospitals, packaging plants, food processing industries, kitchens, decorative projects and marine services. When companies need to meet strict standards, they usually turn to stainless steel fabricators. Because of the widespread application of stainless steel, there are fabrication career opportunities in quite a few private and public sectors in the U.S.